215-247-5545 box 2 susan@susanwindle.com

Her Name is Ruby Kislev

Dear Friends ~ “The antidote to losing love is loving more,” I wrote in a recent post on my personal facebook page. This is as good a place as any to begin. And beginning is what we must do again and again, and then again, again. I speak these words to bring in a new...

Vulnerable in Dangerous Times

Beloveds~ This past Monday the Electoral College confirmed the Presidency of the most awful candidate the United States has ever known—a fascistic, racist, sexist, narcisisstic charlatan. We are called to step up into a strong and effective resistance. We will each...

Victory at Standing Rock!

Dear Friends ~ I had thought to be silent in these pages for at least a week after my last post, but yesterday’s victory at Standing Rock—whatever comes next—calls for a song: My Victory (Meditation on Psalm 18, David’s Victory Song) My victory is your victory,...

Face to Face

Beloveds~ As we move into the fourth week of President-Elect Donald Trump, I come to you again with a few thoughts and a poem that wants to be shared. Perhaps, like me, you have struggled to find your footing as the news of each day tumbles in. Perhaps, as you...

One Week Later

Dear Friends ~ The first week has passed: seven days of living in the shadow of this new reality: President-Elect Donald Trump. For many of us this has been a week of mourning, a kind of Shiva. I have done my share of weeping. And raging, even as I followed my...

Redeeming This

Beloveds ~ As I woke to the national nightmare of a Donald Trump presidency this morning, a friend asked me for a poem. I am still too raw for a new poem, but this one from a couple of years ago wants to come forward to help. I send it out with love and hope for our...