215-247-5545 box 2 susan@susanwindle.com

June’s Coming!

Dear Friends ~ I have been writing my way through the Omer again, a new book of letters and poems in the works. Between the added time at my desk (which I love) , two on-going Writing Circles and political work (which I also love), life is full. I trust yours is as...

Permission to Burn

  Beloveds~ Last Saturday, on the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, Jews were reading the Torah portion (Exodus 1:1-6:1) in which the tongue-tied shepherd Moshe receives instructions–and a promise–from the burning bush.  ...

Her Name is Ruby Kislev

Dear Friends ~ “The antidote to losing love is loving more,” I wrote in a recent post on my personal facebook page. This is as good a place as any to begin. And beginning is what we must do again and again, and then again, again. I speak these words to bring in a new...

Vulnerable in Dangerous Times

Beloveds~ This past Monday the Electoral College confirmed the Presidency of the most awful candidate the United States has ever known—a fascistic, racist, sexist, narcisisstic charlatan. We are called to step up into a strong and effective resistance. We will each...