Musings & Events
Poems and other useful things….
Yay ! Creative Commons License Usage
All poetry on this website by Susan Windle is licensed for your use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. This means you may use the poetry for non-commercial purposes, as long as you attribute the poet and website as the source. (Click the previous link for important details.) To discuss permissions beyond the scope of this license, please contact Susan Windle.
An Invitation to Pause
Dear Friends ~I hope this message finds you caring well for yourself and others as we head toward the second Trump presidency. Those of you who followed along with me during the seven weeks of the Omer counting in April and May may remember that I plunged into a...
There is a Light
Beloveds ~A poem to help us meet this moment. Tzohar A skylight you are to make for the Ark (Genesis 6:16) Again, again, the fires of men rain hard, while dealers fatten their profitsand the ministers of violence,their guns and their lies,lording over all the nations,...

It’s Almost Time to Count the Omer
Dear Friends ~I hope this message finds you well in these first weeks of spring. Life is full for us here in the City of Love, so much so that I haven’t posted, it seems, since last spring. But here it is, nearly time for Pesach/Passover and the Omer count– I cannot...

The First Day Lily
Dear Friends ~The first day lily opened last week in our front yard garden. Summer is truly in full bloom now, and I celebrate with the lilies. We had a perfectly lovely savoring of the season in my Zoom room on Saturday, June 5. As I spoke the poems to the faces...

Savoring This Season
Dear Friends ~Greetings from the final days of the Omer count. Through the Gates: The Second Omer Journey has been well-launched, thanks to many who helped me send this new work out out to do its love-work, along with the first Through the Gates, in the hearts and...
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